Less is More: The Revolutionary Power of Tiny Habits®
So You Can Survive Today and Thrive Tomorrow

Tiny Habits® a revolutionary method to promote lasting behavior change. Tiny habits takes the struggle out of change and makes it easy, fun, and applicable to any setting.

The method is based on Stanford Professor BJ Fogg’s behavior model. The model is a breakthrough because it defines the key factors that drive behavior and shows how those factors can be manipulated to boost behavior-change success.

The training will revolutionize how participants think about behavior change and what they do about it…in any setting.

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the myths and common mistakes people make when trying to make behavior change.

  2. Describe the building blocks of lasting change, based on the Fogg Behavior Model.

  3. Use the Tiny Habits method to create a behavior change plan at home and work.

  4. Implement a Tiny Habits behavior-change program for themselves, family, colleagues, or clients.



  1. Why This Topic? Why Now?

  2. 14 Myths and Mistakes People Make When Trying to Change Behavior

  3. Fogg Behavior Model: Behavior = MAP

  4. Tiny Habits Method

  5. Anchor

  6. Desired Behavior

  7. Celebration


  1. Creating Tiny Habits for Whole-Person Recovery

  2. Practicing Six Popular Tiny Habits